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2024 enrollment for the SSM Physician & Executive Supplemental Income Program runs from April 2 to April 26.

Protecting your Financial Security

You probably insure your home, your car, and other personal assets. But what about the income that provides those assets? You might be surprised to learn what poses the greatest threat to most people during the course of one year.

Consider these odds...

1 out of 5

That your automobile will be damaged in an accident.

1 out of 21

That you will have a disabling accident or illness.

1 out of 96

That you will be the victim of a fire accident.

1 out of 114

That you will pass away unexpectedly.

Consider these statistics...


Every second, 1 in 10 Americans between the ages of 21-64 develop/acquire a work-preventing disability.

Doctor and Patient

48% of all home foreclosures are the result of disability or illness, while only 3% of all foreclosures result from death.

Leg Injury

Every seven seconds, someone in the United States suffers an illness, injury, or accident that will keep them out of work for more than one month.

Image by National Cancer Institute

During the course of your career, you are three-and-a-half times more likely to be ill or injured and need disability coverage, than you are to pass away and need life insurance.


Approximately 90 percent of disabilities are caused by illnesses, not accidents.


Approximately one in seven can expect to become disabled for five years or more.

Disabilities have many causes


Back disorders, injuries, joint diseases, etc.


Nervous system, mental health, and substance abuse disorders


Cancer, circulatory system disorders, fractures (excluding back)

Common causes
of disability

Breakdown (by percentage) of the most common reasons people become disabled and are not able to continue working.

Pink Violet Minimalist Monthly Budget Infographic Pie Chart Graph.png

Let's talk

Click the button bellow to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with a Supplemental Income specialist.

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